
Convert Velocity request parameters to JSON

  • Created: Apr 23, 2014
  • Author: Nathan I. Keiter
  • Title: Lead Network Applications Programmer


Update to my previous submission.  I added an if block so it doesn't break if there are no request parameters.  Please replace this text with the description from my previous submission, then delete the old one.


## @title Convert Velocity request parameters to JSON
## @purpose Convert GET/POST vars into JSON Object using ONLY Velocity script
## @author
## @notes This demo is optimized for readibility.  Output can be easily minified 
## by removing whitespace and subtracting 1 instead of 2 from $jsonString.length()
## I realize I could just write an OSGI ViewTool to do the conversion, but this 
## might be helpful to people who aren't comfortable doing that.
## @example URL
## @example output 
## { "field3" : "value3", "field2" : "value2", "field1" : "value1" } 

#set( $jsonString = "" )
#set( $jsonObject = "{}" )

## Retrieve the request parameter keys
#foreach ( $key in $request.getParameterMap().keySet() )

	## Retrieve the request parameter value
	#set( $value = $request.getParameter( $key ) )

	## json escape the value String
	#set( $value = $esc.javascript( $value ) )

    ## jsonify the key->value property set
    #set( $jsonProperty = "\"" + $key + "\" : " + "\"" + $value + "\", " )

    ## Append to properties String
    #set( $jsonString = $jsonString + $jsonProperty )


#if ( $jsonString.length() > 0 )

	## Trim off the last comma space from the properties String
	## Wrap properties String into JSON Object notation {}
	#set( $jsonStringLength = $jsonString.length() - 2 )
	#set( $jsonObject = "{ " + $jsonString.substring( 0, $jsonStringLength ) + " }" )


## Output to page or pass into ViewTool as argument